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Selina Kamal World

Influencer and Motivator

Hey!!! I am Selina Kamal. I am a social media influencer from 2019. I love to explore and give the authentic information about products. If you are a social person, you can follow me in my instagram and if you are looking for advertising your product DM me

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Photo of Kamal

Dream Big

Become an influencer

I started small. One big step is enough to start something new. So why not now? Learn how to be fearless and courageous like me. If you are a newbie, you are at the right place

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My Journey


From 2019-present| 10 Million Followers

The first social media I used was Facebook. I changed the way of using it. I always wanted to use social media in a productive way. It is also the most inexpensive and yet effective path to shine


From 2020-present| 5 Million Followers

Facebook helped me the most to build up my instagram community. I didn't have to work so hard for this. But I aimed to give better performence so that you can feel my reviews are worth watching. Now I can spread more authentic information through instagram too.